Monday, December 9, 2013

Final Paper(SG)

A Study of Peoples’ Attitude and Awareness of Lubbock Water Crisis.

Suranga Gunerathne

ESL 5301

Texas Tech University



Water crisis is an important natural resource issue several parts of the USA, and our focus is the City of Lubbock in Texas. Inherent in many natural and people related issues is the causal link between water facts and conservation behaviors that affect water quality and quantity. This article interprets the results of a survey on attitudes and perceptions of Lubbock water crisis from random 150 people in Lubbock’s population. The goal of the survey was to assess attitudes and perceptions of water crisis and how people are aware of that, and factors affecting them. We assess the influence of attitudes and perceptions regarding the gender, Texan, non-Texan and internationals and students and non-students. We found several statistically significant non-knowledge factors that showed awareness of Lubbock water crisis: perceived awareness of water between women and men, and between Texan and non-Texan; interest in certain types of water issues (for example fracking); general environmental attitudes; and demographics. These results highlight the importance of a number of non-knowledge factors in water crisis, and suggest a number of factors that could inform targeted approaches to influence differing audiences

Water conservation is an important issue in many parts of the United States. Water supply shortages have become more frequent, and by 2050, more than one-third of all U.S. counties are expected to face a significantly higher risk of water shortage (Spencer and Altman, 2010). Water pollution, population growth, and climate change are expected to increase stresses on water resources. Water conservation and protection of water quality are of increasing interest to both water suppliers and water users. Water supply in Texas comes from both surface water and aquifers. Surface water occurs naturally in rivers and creeks which run generally from the northwest to the southeast, and in stock tanks, ponds, and lakes—most of which are man-made. Groundwater occurs in the Ogallala aquifers, oriented perpendicularly to Texas rivers and parallel to the shoreline of the Gulf of Mexico. Lubbock is located in the northwestern part of Texas state and ecologically is part of the southern end of the Western High Plains (Wikipedia) in a largely cotton-growing and livestock farming area and is one of the fastest growing cities in west Texas. For many years, Lake Meredith was Lubbock's primary source of water (Reed, 2012). But the drought and the lack of precipitation has dried up the lake completely. City water currently comes from two well fields in Roberts County and Bailey County and one lake, Lake Allen Henry. The Lubbock Water Department has applauded that the City is constantly exploring water sources for Lubbock and they have made plans for the residents for the next 100 years (Lubbock Water Department, 2013). In previous years Lubbock has had recurring drought and hotter temperature. Therefore Lubbock has been scared about the possibility of having no water. The City of Lubbock has implemented various strategies to conserve water to overcome the water crisis including public education and awareness, seasonal watering restrictions, increased water volume rate, reducing unaccounted water losses, etc. Generally, people’s perception about water is an important factor which influences the water use policies. I think working on people’s attitudes and beliefs about water are essential. The purpose of this study is that, we wanted to find out about peoples’ awareness of where Lubbock gets its water supply and what striking features caused Lubbock water to be in danger. And also we wanted to study what people believed about the City of Lubbock water restrictions and how they actively participate to save water. In this worthwhile study we focused on the differences in perception of between male and female, between students and residents and among internationals, non-Texas Americans, and Texans.
Background Study
In the news (KCBD, 2012), an article titled on “Lubbock’s water crisis, how did we get there?”, Mayor Tom Martin admitted he was concerned about the possibility of having no water, because Lake Meredith was dried up  and that was Lubbock's primary source of water. After it dried up the City of Lubbock had to rely on just the well fields. He said that “We're having to limit water usage during the summer, because the usage has gone way up and once Lake Alan Henry is online, our situation is much improved for the next 4, 6, 7 or 8 years”. One article specially mentioned about current water demand, and future estimation which entitled on, "Current estimates show that by the year 2014, additional water supplies and or aggressive water conservation is needed in order to maintain water supply during the peak demand of summer months.  Without these additional water supplies by 2025, Lubbock will not be capable of supplying the projected water demand even with aggressive conservation" (City of Lubbock, 2013). In one article showed that, shale and fracking were not the leading causes for Texas having water shortages (Blackmon, 2013). An article in ClimateProgressor (2012) entitled “Portrait of a Drought: Finding Water where It Ain’t” said that West Texas is on the front lines of a changing climate, and scarce water is the most obvious symptom, because it is specially highlighted that ground water supplies are endangered   because of tempest of hotter temperatures, more people, water-sapping cotton farming and a devastating 2011 drought. Conkwright, general manager of the High Plains Underground Conservation Water District #1, headquartered in Lubbock said “Farmers are being required to install water meters to ensure they don’t exceed their limits. This is an inappropriate effort to conserve Ogallala Aquifer. It seems like adding salt to the wound”, (Agrilife, 2013, Mar. 12). According to the Wall Street Journal (2013, Aug. 1), “Severe drought continues to threaten the water supply of large parts of the Western U.S. According to a group that monitors drought conditions, Lubbock, Texas has averaged the worst level of drought since the beginning of 2011”. It opened people’s eyes towards the future of Lubbock city and its limited resources, in particular, water.
Based on this study I came up with six following hypotheses that concern this Lubbock water crisis. First, we believed that women would more care about water than do men. That is because usually women are more responsible for day-today household activities within their families such as cooking, taking care of kids, cleaning the house, gardening work, etc. Second, residents would care more about water than do non-residents, because residents need water for a long period of time, while non-residents may stay in Lubbock for a short period of time, hence they only consider their water needs. Third, residents would be more probable to agree to water restriction than non-residents because non-residents might live in Lubbock for a short period of time; hence they don’t practice using less water to save for the future. Sometimes, they have not experienced any water problem in their home town; accordingly they don’t have attitude to save water. Fourth, men would be more like to agree to water restriction than women, because women might care about the water to fulfill their family needs without any restrictions to their household activities. Fifth, non-students would have more concern about saving water than students, because the students have concentrated on their studies or they may plan to leave Lubbock after graduating to find a job, but most of non-students are Lubbock residents who have lived for a long period of time in Lubbock and they think about rest of their life living in Lubbock and saving water for their children’s future. Sixth, students would be less knowledgeable about fracking than would be non-students because students might be aware of the water crisis in Lubbock they wouldn’t care what about the potential causes. For an example, I myself didn’t know about fracking before this study.
Our approach was to survey a representative sample of the Lubbock community to learn about their awareness, attitudes of the water crisis in the City of Lubbock and reveal how knowledgeable they were in various groups. This survey was conducted by ESL 5301 Advanced Writing class and there were thirteen students and four teachers. There was not a special requirement for selecting a group to survey. We selected respondents randomly form wherever was easiest, and the vast majority was the TTU community, which were usually in our own departments and the student union building. The survey was concluded with questions related to Lubbock water and demographic items. Demographic items included questions to identify gender, student or non-student, where they come from such as Texas or not-Texas or international. Other questions were specially targeted on what fracking is and how it has severely impacted the public water supply, how knowledgeable respondents are about where Lubbock gets its water supply and about the dried out Lake Meredith. And there are also some questions about how they felt that whether water restrictions have worked or not, and how reasonable it was to apply water restriction for farmers. Basically these questions were readily yes/no questions. Eight sets of questions were obtained by each of us in the class. According to our agreement, the survey was distributed to four males and four females and from those eight, five or more respondents were Americans. Although most of the respondents were students, our survey group tried to get non-student respondents to fill them out too.
Summary of bar charts which have mentioned descriptions of variables and related survey questions are reported in Appendix-A. My first hypothesis was that women cared more about water than men did; because we anticipated that women used more water than men did during their daily chore. As we expected, women were more interested about our study and filled out the forms willingly. Our results showed that 65 out of 75 female respondents (87%) said that they tried to save water while 60 out of 75 males (80%) responded the same (see Figure). It seems that the results are slightly consistent with the first hypothesis. And also women were more worried about Lubbock’s ability to get water in the future than men. Results provided evidence for the hypothesis as 45 out of 75 women (60%) reported being worried while only 28 out of 75 men (37%) reported being worried about getting water for future (see Figure).  As the second hypothesis I compared caring about water among residents which means Texans and non-residents who are USA non-Texans, and internationals. It was reasonable to assume that the Texans would be more caring about water as they would think about their future needs as well. It was proved by the results that the non-residents were not very knowledgeable and worried about getting water for current and future use as Texans do. Out of 75 Texans 16 (21%) were very knowledgeable and worried about this problem, but only 2 out of 75 (3%) non-residents were very knowledgeable and worried about having a water crisis in the future(see Figure1,2,3). It is highly consistent with the second hypothesis. In the third hypothesis I reasoned that residents would agree to water restriction more than non-residents. It is apparent that Texans are thinking about water needs for rest of their lives because they are already well established. Our survey showed 30 Texans out of 75 (40%) agreeing to water restriction but only 24 non-residents out of 75 (32%) agreed to the (see Figure). These survey results corroborated with our hypothesis. It was predicted in the fourth hypothesis that men would tend more to agree to water restriction than women. Since students do not care much about water restrictions, I considered the information provided by the non-student sample to analyze the hypothesis. 10 out of 16 males (63%) in the non-student sample said that they believed in water restrictions while only 8 out of 24 women (33%) said “yes” to the question (see Figure). Likewise the hypothesis was corroborated by the results. As the final hypothesis I inquired about the students’ and non-students’ knowledge on fracking. According to my personal experience I assumed that the students are less knowledgeable about fracking. It turned out to be correct according to the results. 30 out of 40 non-students (75%) were aware of what fracking was while 65 out of 75 students (60%) were aware of that fact (see Figure). While analyzing the survey data, I came across several other important issues related to the Lubbock water crisis. One of those was the over usage of water in oil drilling. Texans and non-Texans almost equally agreed with the fact that the oil drillers use more water than they should. Depending on the overall responses, it is clear that the people are aware of the threat of oil drillers to water crisis. People believe that fracking is a major cause for water crisis. It is evident form results; 96 out of the 150 (total respondents) knew about what fracking was before the study, and from those respondents 57 out of 96 (59%) who knew about fracking were Texans and 39 were non-Texans (41%) ,(see Figure).
Knowledge about environmental problems and the ways to address them is thought to lead to action that improves environmental quality; that is, knowledge is a prerequisite to action. Yet, given significantly limited resources supporting environmental programs for the Lubbock water crisis, it may be important to think strategically when implementing these programs—in terms of targeting specific audiences, creating programs that are more likely to reach audiences how and when they prefer. Our results suggest a number of other important factors that, perhaps in conjunction with increasing knowledge, influence water conservation actions. It opened people’s eyes towards the future of Lubbock city and its limited resources, in particular, water. Since it has become a nationwide important issue, as a part of Lubbock city residents, we, the students who registered for the course ESL 5301, Fall 2013, thought of carrying out a sample survey to discuss the water crisis in the city. We collected information from 150 randomly selected people inside the campus. For the ease of the study, we decided not to limit ourselves in choice people; we chose mostly from inside the campus. Even though we wanted it to be random, 110 out of 150 of the sample being college students made it a little biased. According to my knowledge students might not represent the entire population that we need to be represented. We wanted to discuss their opinion based on being residents or non-residents in Texas and/or their gender. Most of the college students are in their twenties. They are always under the pressure of studying and earning money in order to pay their tuition so they are less aware of the things happening outside the campus. The rest of the 40 surveyed, the set of non-students, since they are from inside the campus, more likely had different way of living than the entire population of the city that we were focusing on. Therefore our sample was not a significant representation of the target population. However it seems our sample was sufficient for a rough estimation. Next, we discussed about 6 different hypotheses. Based on the sample information we came to conclude that the women were more caring about preserving water for future needs while men were more caring about water restrictions of the city. Regardless of this gender, in comparison to non-Texans, Texans were more careful about preserving water in favor water restrictions, and more critical of people who used too much water. Most of the people were aware of fracking and both Texas and non-Texas residents are equally aware of unnecessary water usage for oil drilling. Our findings indicated a number of factors that may affect water conservation decisions and highlight the complex role of changing water bills and water restriction policies in City of Lubbock.
 If we were to carry out a better research for the same problem we should collect a significantly large random sample according to the objective of the study. If we were to compare water crisis in city of Lubbock, the sample should consist of adults of all age groups, who reside permanently or temporarily in the city, including farmers, oil drillers, and other occupants. Unexpectedly, we did not find peoples’ perception that residing inside city limits vs. outside or having higher levels of education vs. lower levels influenced water conservation behaviors; accordingly that was effect to water crisis.

Blackmon, D. (2013, Aug. 21). Shale, fracking are not the main cause of Texas water shortages. Forbes Retrieved in September, 2013 from:
Burns, R. (2013, Mar. 12). Texas crop, weather for March 12, 2013. Agrilife. Retrieved from Sep. 17, 2013 from
City Of Lubbock Texas (2013), Strategic Water Supply Plan for the City of Lubbock, Retrieved on Sep. 17, 2013 from strategic-water-supply-lan.pdf?sfvrsn=2
Fleming, P. (2012, October 19). Portrait of a Drought: Finding Water Where It Ain’t. ClimateProgress. Rtrieved on September 29, 2013 from 1052091/portrait-of-a-drought-finding-water-where-it-aint/
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Reed, A. (2012, February 9). Lubbock's water crisis, how did we get here? KCBD. Retrieved on September 30, 2013 from we-get-here
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Spencer, T., and P. Altman. 2010. Climate change, water, and risk: Current water demands are not sustainable. Natural Resources Defense Council, Washington, DC. watersustainability/files/WaterRisk.pdf (accessed 29 Aug. 2013).
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